Thursday, February 20, 2020

Stetson Woods River View

Stetson Woods River View
Less than two miles from home, we found a new set of trails that are "hidden" behind an old cemetery.  Thanks to online maps, we discovered that there are many woodland areas along the North River in Marshfield.  We've walked four trails so far, my favorite an area called the Stetson Woods.   It actually has a riverside beach (tire swing and all) and a large picnic area.   Of course since it was December, we didn't meet another soul, never mind swimmers or picnic people. 

This painting depicts the northernmost edge of the woods where the marsh opened up wide to reveal the North River snaking beyond.   The expansive marsh was bright gold, but the shadiest spots were dark and frozen.    Tall marsh grasses and cattails help the composition by bridging deep shadow and bright winter light.

This painting took a while as it measures 24" x 30".