Saturday, September 15, 2012


Green Harbor Sunrise
The sunrises are getting later each morning as we head into Fall making it easier to be up and out on the beach painting by dawn.    No two sunrises are alike so I present to you this morning's sunrise.  I recorded the pale blue water, matching the overhead brightness of the sky, a foggy bank of lavender atmosphere sitting on the horizon and dark silouettes of the jetties.  The sun broke over the horizon and quickly flared into a bright orange crescent.   The canvas for this painting was not in the sun, nor was the palette.   One thing I've noticed about that lack of direct palette/canvas light, is that the colors on my painting come out bright and vivid once it is viewed inside. So, it is a tradeoff - not an exact replication of the scene, but colors are more pumped up to compensate.   I like the messy palette knife color and I'm telling myself it's done.   Will I listen though?

Quinn's Walk
Painting two is more subdued since the sun had come up providing nice morning light.  I was just about done with it and decided that the next person, or people who walked by would be my subject.   Approaching from Burke's Beach was a tall slim woman with dark curly hair walking a large black furry dog.     Their characteristics provided a good contrast against the pale water and bright sand.  The elderly dog was moving pretty slowly and eventually when they got close enough,  they came over to visit.   Gentle giant "Quinn" was as mellow as you'll ever see in a dog, and turns out, his owner will be taking ownership of this painting as soon as I put the finishing touches on it.

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