Monday, October 28, 2013

Little Person Perspective

Little Person Perspective
I love artwork that depicts little children or babies (because I love little children and babies!).  Unfortunately it is very difficult to capture the beautifully-formed, young faces well.    I include myself on the list of painters who has struggled to create a rendering that is sweet and innocent, versus, odd and somewhat alien-looking:. Whereas adults mostly have prominent, sharp features and at least a few wrinkles that make it easier to define the face and achieve a good likeness, children and babies have features that are soft and subtle - perfect really.  The slightest asymmetry or flaw seems much more pronounced and certainly unacceptable.

I would love to be painting cherubs regularly, but for the aforementioned reasons (excuses?), I have not.  So that sets the stage for the painting described in this post.  I challenged myself with this effort to not just include a little one but to make her face the center of interest.  The rest of the painting is intentionally underdeveloped and subordinate to the perfect toddler expression.   She is looking up in all her cuteness at the people who tower over her at a large family party.   The viewers' line of sight in the painting was designed to be eye level with the toddler.   I welcome comments....
Little Person Perspective Stage Two


CLGadde said...

WOW! You have captured Brianna perfectly in this painting! The family gathering was overwhelming to her, and you captured that look on her face so poignantly. I'm so impressed! You should definitely continue painting cherubs more regularly, if that's what you want to do, because you're certainly skilled at it! This painting is awesome!

Maureen Vezina Art Blog said...

Thank you so much means the most coming from you because you know her perfect face best! I'm gonna keep trying!