Monday, January 26, 2015

Sunrise Along the Channel - Green Harbor

I was out extra early on this day because the weather forecast was calling for rain starting in the morning.    The wide open expanse along the shore allows a long view of approaching clouds.    The sun broke over the horizon shining for only about thirty minutes before being obscured for the rest of the day.   For the few moments of sunshine, everything was bathed in a gorgeous red-orange light.

Sunrise Along the Channel
There is a lobsterman's house on the Green Harbor side of the channel and during the winter, hundreds of lobster traps are stacked there.   The house was yellow, so couple that with the glowing warm light of sunrise, and the whole scene was stunning.   The taupy-blue shadows matched the ominous sky and complimented the warm orangy light. Actually, I may still warm up the yellow a bit before this one goes to the shop.

Maybe you have witnessed a similar scene where the sky looks oddly dark and cloudy, but everything in the foreground is brightly lit.   Weather changes can be very fascinating if we stop and notice!  

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