Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Rexhame Winter Crossover

Rexhame Winter Crossover In Progress
A mild day in mid-February would be appreciated by any plein air painter.  This year February was relatively storm free; of course a fierce March followed with four Nor'easters in a row.

The scene I chose was a sandy path that crosses over to Rexhame Beach.   The forecaster called for some sunshine and looking at the skies, I was hopeful.   In the end it was false hope, and rather than getting brighter, things devolved into sprinkles.   I did get the bones of the painting far enough along that I had a good base for finishing in the studio.

This one is not complete, but I'm not anxious to get back to it, given the glum color scheme.   I'd rather paint the riot of May color outside right now.

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