Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Peacefield III

Peacefield III
Peacefield - Stage 1
The homestead of John and Abigail Adams is located in Quincy, MA and I've painted it several times now.   I just love this rendition which was done for a client with great admiration for John and Abigail Adams, similar to my own.   The formal gardens of the Adams estate reach their glorious peak in August, my favorite time to visit.   The perfectly manicured lawns and short hedgerows counterbalance the riot of flowers clamoring for attention.  Every color is accounted for, and so are the nectar loving creatures - honey bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

Peacefield - Stage2
To the rear of the property is the presidential library.  It  is relatively small, but has a grand and graceful roof line and chimney, constructed of red bricks mostly covered in ivy.   Each time I visit, I walk to the back gardens to check on the rose bushes stretched out espalier-style on a rose arbor, originally planted by none other than First Lady Abigail Adams.  (Abigail's rose bush can be seen on the left on three black vertical supports.)

Peacefield - Stage 3
I've included photos taken during the painting's development.   I think it is apparent from the first stage that the composition was plain and easy, but strong enough to lead the viewer in, before the eyes return to studying the bright flowers in the least I think that is the way most would scan the painting. :)

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