Thursday, January 16, 2020

Open Studio Figure Paintings

Night Float
Yoga in Yellow
Sunny Blue Bikini
Black Bandeau Beauty
Last winter, I participated in an open studio night with live models.   There really is no better way to improve figurative captures than with living and breathing humans.  Similar to landscape, the best way to observe and reproduce accurate color is from life.  Photography is useful for structural reminders, but simply can't deliver precise color.  

The other deficiency of working from photos for people is that the model's typical look or signature smile/expression may not come through in a few photos.   Once you spend three hours observing and talking with a person, there is a much better chance of identifying a feature that makes them unique - especially if the goal is to be true to a realistic rendering.

Phone Check
What is not realistic in the paintings is the addition of the bathing suits and some of the beachy backdrops.  The bathing suit theme provides some modesty for the sensitive readers, like my brother.

Mid-January is upon us - not bathing suit weather - I'm ready for it though!

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