Thursday, August 5, 2021

Marsh Abutting North River

At the end of Damon Point Road in Marshfield, there is a dock and a picturesque overlook at the North River.  Abutting the road to the point is a pretty little marsh and a handy access to view it.   I thought, wow, there are so many gorgeous scenes of the river, but it was midday.  It would be too hot and I'd probably get sunburned if I tackled a scene on the shade free dock.   Instead I set up under some trees that bordered the marsh on the left.   As always with plein air, what seems like an ordinary subject can become special through the use of a loose and painterly application.   This was truly a warm shadow, cool light day.   See how red the shrub and underbrush are, and by contrast the sunlit marsh is lemony green (which is a cool shade).

Oh, and this cat kept me company.

Marsh at North River

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