Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Back to Plucky Bog

We returned to a small cranberry bog in Duxbury called Plucky Bog.   This bog is situated right alongside Route 3 in South Duxbury.   We had painted here before in late fall at which point it was quite a bit warmer than it was today.  

Bogs in late winter/early spring turn a dark, rich maroon color.   Some of the snow in the distance had still not melted and the contrast looked really beautiful against this alizarin crimson bog.

Late Winter Plucky Bog - Duxbury
It was a spectacular sky as well.   I mixed both cobalt blue and cerulean for the deepest blues of the sky.   I created the midday clouds using my sky blue, the cranberry bog crimson and a little brown oxide to warm it up.   I used Gamblin Fastmatte Titanium White for the sky and I am so glad I did.   It enabled me to layer the clouds because of how fast this product dries.

I was facing South, hence looking into the brightest of the sun and snow. The blue shadows of the trees creeped out onto the snow.   The brightest snow and shadows alternated which made an interesting pattern on the farthest bog bank.

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