Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Sailing Lessons

Summer at the marina means watching people have fun on the water.   These middle schoolers were returning from an early morning sailing lesson when I arrived at Jones River Landing.      I snapped a few pictures of the kids furling the sails and tying up.   I was glad I did because within 20 minutes they had left and all was quiet.  

I roughed in the composition working

Sailing Lesson
from top to bottom on the canvas.   I matched the colors of the far shore trees which were all in shadow.   Immediately in front of the trees was a strip of marsh grasses in shadow which looked very blue. Next were the same marsh grasses which were in sunlight - warm and bright gold/green.  I used emerald green and cad yellow deep to get that bright warm green.  I darkened that gold/green mixture with some blue for the water which was reflecting mostly the dark trees.   I chose to eliminate the boats on the far side of the dock only including the small sailboats and their reflections.   Finally I painted the foreground water which was reflecting the sky overhead.   I probably worked the foreground water and reflections on three separate passes with my large house painting brush.   This gives a nice soft and blurred look to the water and reflections.

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