Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Something Out of Not Much

South River Park in Progress
I've been painting enough to know that it is not necessary to drive around, wasting time looking for the "right" place to paint.   A few other factors now take precedence over a perfect vista, like a convenient, safe, free parking spot for one.   There is a fairly new open space in Marshfield called the South River Park on the main drag in Marshfield directly across from the Hess Station.  

The first time I visited the park I was a little disappointed.  I thought it would lead to a long river trail, but discovered that what you see from the street is just about the extent of it.   It is my understanding that this little park project is a piece of a longer range plan to connect some open spaces along the South River, so perhaps my expectations will be fulfilled at some future point.

South River Park Final

So I took advantage of this convenient, safe, free parking (with a brand new sheltered picnic area) to paint this scene.    The light was pretty on the variety of summery greens and the paved walkways.   The condemned structure in the background was rustic enough to translate into a pseudo-farmhouse.    The layout of the park was interesting enough to inspire the light and colors you see in the photo.

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