Friday, March 16, 2018

Biking to the Scoop

Painting at Brant Rock Esplanade

It is so nice to drive or bike to The Scoop or The Hop for summer treats.   I'm imagining those days again and hope it warms up soon.   I set up for this paint-out the day before the recent rash of storms.  The ocean was so churned up that it threw sand, wood, debris, and of course, sea water onto the Brant Rock Esplanade.

You would never know it by looking at this depiction of the that the bike family shown in the painting would be up to their waists in ocean water.   I have used artists' license and inserted this family into the painting and in additionally, I am declaring it July! 
Biking to the Scoop

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for Richardson's ice cream!