Folded Sections of 7 foot canvas |
This piece is a fairly ambitious undertaking at 84 by 36 inches. I plan to hang vertically, envisioning a wall with a cathedral ceiling. I was breaking my own norms and truly making it up as I went. (What? Not the usual formula?)
I'll be in a much larger studio soon and it will be a real treat. In my current studio I worked on sections of the canvas, unfurling each section and clipping up the folded parts. I worked the elements in succession, the sky, the far distant mountains, the mid-ground meadow, the shrubs on the shoreline, a sandy beach, the chop, and finally, the underwater world.
The Span of Angels |
The angelic cherub in the clouds is fishing (of course :)) and the fishing line spans all the elevations down into the tropical reef, where an angel fish is deciding whether to bite. Well I've told you too much already, but there is much left to do on this one - mainly making the elements more harmonious with one another.
Stay tuned for the final product in a few weeks.