Monday, June 17, 2019

Jacob's Pond

Fishing at Jacob's Pond - In Progress

Norwell is the next town over from us and they have a beautiful pond with open green space called Jacob's Pond.    A couple of weeks ago we took a long hike following a trail along the pond itself to the furthest northerly area and then back on a more wooded trail.   We loved this adventure and decided to come back the following week for a paint-out.

The day was delightful and there was a variety of scenes to choose from - and lots of shade.  Entire families were kayaking and people fished from the docks and shorelines taking full advantage of this very pretty spot.  

Fishing at Jacobs Pond
In my painting I decided on this small walking bridge that led to an island that sits in the middle of Jacob's Pond.   I included the young guy fishing from the bridge.  When he was done fishing, he walked by me and noted that he had just seen an otter, so I was watchful, but never saw him.   We did see snakes...
three sightings, or maybe I saw the same snake three times.     Nice spot to visit though!

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