Thursday, June 6, 2019

Roses and Baby's Breath

Pink Roses and Baby's Breath
Could the generous person who visited and brought these fresh pink tea roses have known that I love pink roses?  My bathroom even has a pink roses theme.  What a nice gesture and the perfect subject for a new still life.

These roses were whitish at the base and edged with pretty salmony-pink.   Looking straight down into the throat of the blossom, no white was visible at all, just dark reddish pink.   The baby's breath accented the blooms and the whole bouquet sat in a cute little mason jar.

I could paint a hundred roses and I don't think I would be happy with them on the first go.   I usually have to go back at it and adjust, putting any spontaneity and freshness at risk.   With this small painting, the blooms may be too precise, but the leaves, stems and background are more loose.  Thank you for the pink roses!  Wait, do they look too

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