Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bluefish River Firehouse

Engine One - Stage One

Near the junction of St. George Street and Washington Street in Duxbury, MA there is a unique 107 year old building that has been restored through the preservation efforts of the folks in this Town of Duxbury public article.

The sign over the front door says "Engine Company One."  Although this was not the original location of the building, it was a firehouse built in 1906 that held the horses that would pull the pumpers to a fire.   The structure now sits at the bridge over the Bluefish River.   This is another gorgeous and breezy local spot.   It made a perfect paint-out location, especially in the warm mid-summer.

Engine One - Stage Two
There were a few things that attracted me to this scene.  I like the challenge of a structure, so that was first and foremost.   There were strong shadows being cast from the building and the tree overhead as well, it being a bright, sunny day.   A small, conical, pine tree was backlit and it stood out against the dark green trees in the background.   Large towering red maples in the right background made a nice contrast to the mostly green surroundings. Two terracotta pots with geraniums were sitting on either side of the firehouse doors.  What's not to like?   The dilemma was, with all these neat elements, which one will be the star?    Even I didn't know until I got toward the end.   (True confession.)

Engine One - Duxbury, MA
In the end I made the far side geraniums the brightest and sharpest, along with some cadmium red light, straight from the tube.   Second most vivid contrast was the little pine tree in the middle.  Comments welcome.   Should I tone down the sunlit grass in the foreground?

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