Saturday, August 10, 2013

Pembroke Herring Run

Pembroke Herring Run
On the way back from dropping paintings off at the Pembroke Arts Festival, we stopped at a very interesting and scenic little spot.   A small building with a red door and a yellow wreath stood on the Pembroke Herring Run property.    There were multiple streams forking out in parallel with tiered rocky steps designed to allow the herring to make their way upstream from the ocean.   

It was supposed to be a cloudy but decent day weatherwise, but it continued to rain even after we set up.   We used a large picnic table umbrella to shelter the two easels, two painters and two sets of gear.  If I wasn't in love with the other painter, it might have been a little cramped, but since I was, it was very enjoyable.

Quick Painting 40 strokes
After finishing the painting above, I began a quick 8x8 painting with the notion that I would complete it in 20 strokes.  It was only a notion, since I estimate that it took more like 40 strokes.

Below is a photo of a sign at the Pembroke Herring Run that describes the cycle of the herrings, ocean to streams to ponds and back again.   For the record, we saw no herring on this day (early August).

Herring Habit

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