Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Plymouth Harbor Southern Coastline

It was a gorgeous dry day in August.   A waterfront festival was ongoing along Water Street in Plymouth and the street was closed to cars and opened to pedestrians.   As result we couldn't easily gain access to our usual spots.   Instead we traveled a little further south along Route 3A and stopped at a public park on Plymouth Harbor called Stephen's Field.

Windy & Sunny Day Set Up

Plymouth Harbor South Coast in Progress
I have been fine tuning my plein air set up over the past few months.   Today I was able to take advantage of my big umbrella and the back of my vehicle to avoid the wind.   I left the side opening rear door open and placed the umbrella base just below the far left side.   I used a bungy cord to connect the leftmost umbrella spoke (wind facing) to the rear car door.  I wound a long bungy from the top of the umbrella to the base.   This may seem like overkill, but for me, when things are rocking and rolling, I can't concentrate.

Plymouth Harbor South
With the wind issue under control, I rescanned the scene.  It was low tide which revealed some sandbars, salt march grasses and boulders.   As tide was rising, these interesting elements started to be submerged.   I reminded myself that it was important to stay locked into the original composition, because the additional water was not improving it by covering the variety of things that made it attractive at the beginning.

Although it was not a complicated painting, I was happy with the result.   I felt that the sky and water were an exact match to what I saw, even though, per usual, in the in-progress photo they may seem not to match.

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