Friday, February 20, 2015

High Winter Surf

High Winter Surf
Today it snowed all day even though we were "between storms."   In fact, it has been snowing everyday lately, even on the days when the weather people tell us there is no storm, just "ocean effect" snow!   The ocean surf had been high because of the large storm that had passed; it can take days for the water to calm down again.

So on this day, the sky was bluish gray while the overall ocean color was green-gray.    White foam was floating between breakers and all the swirling and churning looked challenging when I thought about painting it.   I knew the application of the paint would have to mimic the intensity of the ocean energy.

I grabbed my palette knife and pre-mixed the colors I saw in moderate quantity.  I scooped up the green gray paint first and smeared it on the majority of the surface.   I used my palette knife to actively work the waves starting with the horizon line and working my way down to the shore.   Okay, and I did it quickly...I believe that rushing helped the feel.


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