Friday, February 27, 2015

Blanketed Snowy Path

Blanket on the Purplish Path - Stage One
It's been snowing just about every day for a month.   Take today for example.   It started out sunny this morning and then, all of a sudden - or so it seemed - it was as if another blizzard had hit.  The whiteout eventually gave way to more sun, and even though I'm sick of the hassle of getting around, I have to admit, it was absolutely beautiful.   Everything got coated again with clean white snow accenting the cobalt blue shadows.   Transparent areas of snow can look green, yellow, lavender, pink and teal, not to mention the sparkle of sunlit snow.  So pretty!

Blanket on the Purplish Path
So capturing the layers and layers of snowpack from multiple storms was the goal for this snowscape.  Subtle washed-out background values sat back, while the crisp maximum contrast evergreens came forward, as well as the wet, shaded tree bark.   The light/dark pattern created an abstract pattern that I liked and I thought it looked sufficiently balanced.   Although the painting composition was an imaginary location, the very real snowy ripples were from life - out the window.    This painting would make a nice addition to a contemporary realist collection.


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