Thursday, February 5, 2015

Wonderful Part of Winter

Snowy Marsh View
I love painting snow and with the record amount of snow on the ground, there are no worries about it melting away any time soon.    Oddly, even the salt marsh is totally snow and ice covered.  Ordinarily the ocean tides fill up the marsh, melting the snow and ice, leaving the dull brown marsh grasses.    I felt compelled to get out there and record the gorgeous purple-blue snow shadows.    The dense, dark cedars bordering the marsh provided a nice contrast to the bright white snow. 

Bright Snow Paint Pile with Swirls of Confetti Color
I worked everything except the brightest whites.  Once the darks and mid-tones are recorded accurately, the final strokes of the white could be spread on thickly and in such a way that they overlapped the darker values - layered on top - just like snow.

I was enjoying the sparkling refraction of the bright snow and there was a whole spectrum of color specks flashing at me.  As white as snow may look, it isn't titanium white out of the tube; it has color too.  I made a generous pile of titanium and added a touch of several light value hues, pink, yellow, teal, blue etc.  It reminded me of confetti, so that's what I made the paint pile look like.

Snowy Marsh View
This painting has a fresh, vivid feel that sometimes -happily- happens with plein air.


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